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Terminal Berth and Storage Yard Facilities


TIPC(Keelung) Container Terminal Berth Information

No. Type of Berth length width Maximum Draft Bollard Fixed facilities
(m) (m) (m) (set) Crane Hydrant
16 Multifunction 156.5 34 -12 7 0 2
17 Container 207 34 -12 9 2 2
18 Container 403.95 20 -12.00-13.00 18 2 4
22 Container 190 120 -15 8 1 3
23 Container 210 120 -15 8 2 3
25 Container 300 120 -13 10 1 4
26 Container 210 120 -11 11 1 4


Our terminal complex comprises two areas, the Southern and Northern Terminal respectively.

  1. Southern Terminal: Berth W17-W18.
  2. Northern Terminal: Berth W22-W26.
Storage Layout of TIPC(Keelung) Container Terminal
Yard Storage Space (m2) Stacking Capacity 3-layer (TEU) Stacking Capacity 5-layer (TEU) Machinery
Southern Terminal 26,833 1,983 Straddle Carrier
Northern Terminal 40,397 1,966 4,075 Straddle Carrier and Rail Mounted Gantry Crane
Total 67,230 3,949 4,075  

(N.B.: Currently, 78 reefer plugs (440VAC) are available, and this can be increased to 120 if needed.

Last Updated:2024-11-27