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Address: No. 1, CHUNG-CHENG Road, CHUNG-CHENG District, Keelung City, 202

Transportation Information


Taipei Railway Station East Gate 3 :Take Guo-guang bus - Keelung (via expressway)


  • Expressway National Highway 1: Northbound to Keelung.
  • National Highway 3: National Highway 3 connects with National Highway 1 at Xizhi Interchange and goes north to Keelung.

Provincial road

  • Taiwan Line 5: Enter Keelung City from the direction of Badu, turn right at Nanrong Road to Aisan Road, go straight to McDonald's, turn left to Zhongzheng Road and turn right.
  • Taiwan Line 2: (1) Enter Keelung urban area from the direction of Binhai Highway and follow Zhongzheng Road to the end. County.
  • Road 102: From Ruifang to the end via Shen'ao Keng Road, Peide Road, Dongxin Road and Xinyi Road.
  • Taiwan 62A Expressway: High-speed No. 1 Dahua System Interchange, connecting Taiwan 62 Expressway to the east in the direction of Ruibin, you can connect to Taiwan 62A Expressway to Keelung Port.

Taiwan Railway

Take a train north to Keelung Station, get off and walk along Ocean Plaza to Easr Pier no.1

Last Updated:2024-10-15